Dog training

Tips on Training Your Dog

Successful dog training is a gratifying aspect of dog ownership. Training is a fantastic way to bond with your dog and will aid in the development of a positive relationship.


The basic commands that every dog should learn (in this order) are: heel, sit, stay, and come.

woman about to kiss a tan puppy

  • Heel – Start walking with your left foot first as you offer the “Heel” command, using the dog’s name, with the dog at knee level on your left side and the leash in your hand. When he walks appropriately, give him food and positive encouragement. If he doesn’t get it right away, gently tug on the leash to bring him back into place and start over.
  • Sit – Simply place a reward towards the back of his head while saying “Sit” followed by the dog’s name. “Most dogs sit automatically,” Ray explains. “If your dog doesn’t respond, gently touch his buttocks while giving the command. Then reward and laud them.”
  • Stay – Begin by putting your dog in a sit position. Show an open-palm hand order while saying “Stay” and his name while standing in front of him. Maintain eye contact and hold him in the stay position for 30 seconds before saying, “Okay!” As you practice, have him stay for longer lengths of time as you get further away from him.
  • Come – In the “Sit” position, attach a non-retractable leash of at least six feet to your dog. Pull lightly while saying, “Come,” and the dog’s name in a pleasant, eager tone. When the dog approaches you and sits in front of you, praise him and give him a treat.


Top training tips

– Always begin new skill lessons in a calm room in your home, away from any potential distractions.

– Break up training into short, regular sessions to keep your dog from becoming overwhelmed.

– Be patient; dogs, like humans, learn at different rates, so don’t be discouraged if your dog doesn’t grasp concepts right away.

– Always close with something your dog is familiar with, so the session ends on a happy note.

– Have fun!